Plants need molybdenum for chemical processes associated with nitrogen uptake. In non-legumes, molybdenum allows plants to use the nitrates taken up from the soil. If there is a deficiency, nitrates accumulate in the leaves and the system is unable to make proteins. This results in symptoms similar to N deficiency. In legumes, molybdenum is also important for the root nodule bacteria (Rhyzobia) to capture atmospheric nitrogen. Legumes are especially molybdenum-hungry crops, as they need more molybdenum to capture nitrogen than to use nitrates.
Agroleaf Liquid MolyComplex is a product developed for use in both leaf and root applications.
Liquid foliar fertilizer
Agroleaf Liquid is a new range of liquid foliar fertilizers for agricultural crops, vegetables and fruit. The new ICL technology in Agroleaf Liquid is the F3 SurfActive technology. F3 SurfActive is a specific blend of non-ionic surfactants that improves the effectiveness of the sprayed solution via:
1. Better spreading: The F3 technology lowers the surface tension of droplets and spreads nutrients optimally over the leaves. This results in a larger covered area for nutrient uptake.
2. Better adhesion: Better adhesion of water droplets to the leaf surface reduces runoff and deviations, and increases nutrient availability, especially on waxy leaves.
3. Better storage: F3 technology enables the storage of nutrients on the leaf surface that are reactivated by re-humidification (eg of high humidity). This provides long-term nutrition and improved utilization.

Agroleaf Liquid MolyComplex is an NPK fertilizer with a high concentration of molybdenum, indicated as a dietary supplement for plants that require large amounts of this micronutrient, and especially to prevent and correct any changes related to deficiencies.

Nitrogen Total (N)
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)
Potassium oxide (K2O)
3,6 %
16 %
4 %
0,10 %
4,000 %

Agroleaf Liquid MolyComplex is an NPK fertilizer with a high concentration of molybdenum, indicated as a dietary supplement for plants that require large amounts of this micronutrient, and especially to prevent and correct any changes related to deficiencies. MolyComplex must not be mixed with oil products or those products that determine significant changes in the pH of the medium, either by acid or alkaline reaction. A test should be performed, or ICL's technical department should be consulted to determine the compatibility of specific mixtures.